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Private Script Workshops


On a limited basis, I work one-on-one with writers on their script projects.
Go Into The Story — Interrupted


The consecutive blogging streak ends… and here’s why.


“Fuck research! I say this, knowing that my works are thought to be well-researched and I am proud of the research in them. But in…
Break your story in prep


My last Prep: From Concept to Outline workshop of 2024 begins August 10.
On Writing


“Becoming a writer is not a ‘career decision’ like becoming a doctor or a policeman. You don’t choose it so much as get chosen, and once…
Screenwriting 101: Rob Meyer


“Even in an indie film I’d say it’s actually more important to have a logline that 70 to 90 percent of people are going to perk up, and…
Featured Articles
Go Into The Story: “Best of the Best” Scriptwriting Website


Named to the 20th Annual Writer’s Digest 101 Best Websites for Writers list.
About Screenwriting Master Class


Premier online learning resource with Tom Benedek and Scott Myers.
Script Download Links

Script Download Links

100+ scripts made available by studios and production companies.
12 Free ‘Go Into The Story’ eBooks

12 Free ‘Go Into The Story’ eBooks

Nearly 1,000 pages on the craft and business of screenwriting.
100+ Archive Links


In 12 years of hosting Go Into The Story, the site has accumulated over 28,000 posts covering just about every possible subject related to…
100 Scene-Writing Prompts


At a fundamental level, screenwriting is scene-writing. Use these prompts to improve your scene-writing chops.
Windows 10游戏模式超“鸡血”:CPU/GPU火力全开 ...:2021-12-29 · 目前,尚不清楚游戏模式是否只针对某些特殊优化 的游戏,还是所有游戏作品都可众自动调用这一功能。 按计划,微软将于2021年初发布Windows 10 RS2 ...

100 Screenwriters on Screenwriting

Professional screenwriters reflect on the craft.
100s of Writer Interviews


You can learn a lot from professional writers talking about their craft.
My Interviews with 53 Black List Screenwriters

My Interviews with 53 Black List Screenwriters

Over the years, I’ve interviewed dozens of writers whose scripts appeared on the annual Black List. Their collective insight into the craft…
My Interviews with 30 Nicholl Fellowship Screenwriting Winners

My Interviews with 30 Nicholl Fellowship Screenwriting Winners

Interviews with every Nicholl winner since 2012.
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